
Activate RentWise connection

Contact your supplier to activate the RentWise connection in Plan-IT.They will update your licenseand activate the RentWise connection.

Follow below steps to properly configure Plan-IT, to have the information forwarded to RentWise:

Link establishment

First of all you have to link each Plan-IT establishment with the corresponding establishment in RentWise.

  1. In the menubar click on the option System.
  2. Select the option Management. The management window appears with an overview of all establishments and brands in Plan-IT.
  3. Click with the left mouse button on the establishmentthat you want to connect to RentWise to select it.
  4. Then click with the right mouse button and select the option Edit.

The Edit establishment window appears with the details of the establishment. In the field RentWise Filiaal, enter the establishment of RentWise (contact RentWise when you dont know what your RentWise establishment is). Click on the Save button when you have entered the correct rentWise establishment.

In Plan-IT it is now known which Plan-IT establishment is linked to which RentWise establishment.

Activate RentWise

The next step is indicating that you want to make use of the RentWise connection. You can configure this for each Plan-IT establishment separately.

  1. Click in the menubar on the option System.
  2. Select the option System settings.
  3. In the first row of tabs, go to Connections.
  4. Then go to RentWise in the second row of tabs.
  5. Put a check in the box with the option RentWise aanzetten to activate the connection.

  1. In the Database field, enter the name of the database in RentWise. You can find the RentWise database name in the top left corner of the RentWise window:

When all data is entered in Plan-IT, click on the Save button and the connection is activated. From that moment, you no longer use the replacement cars from Plan-IT, but you are immediately linked to the replacement cars of RentWise.

Make sure that on every computer that is used for Plan-IT, RentWise has to be installed as well, or the connection will not work.

Using RentWise

When you turn on replacement car option in a work order now and you click on the  button, instead of the Plan-IT replacement car window opening, you are immediately taken to the RentWise replacement cars window.



Keizersveld 25
5803 AM Venray

Postbus 5053
5800 GB Venray


+31 (0)85 2362500
